Halloween & Trick or Treat Safety Tips


Walk Safely

  1. Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
  2. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross.
  3. Put electronic devices down and keep heads up and walk, don’t run, across the street.
  4. Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.
  5. Always walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to
    the left as possible.  Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings.
  6. Watch for cars that are turning or backing up. Teach children to never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.

Trick or Treat With an Adult

  1. Children under the age of 12 should not be alone at night without adult supervision. If kids are mature enough to be out without supervision, they should stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-or-treat in groups.

Keep Costumes Both Creative and Safe

  1. Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers and, if possible, choose light colors.
  2. Choose face paint and makeup whenever possible instead of masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision.
  3. Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers.
  4. When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls.

Drive Extra Safely on Halloween

  1. Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods. Children are excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways.
  2. Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs.
  3. Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully.
  4. Eliminate any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
  5. Drive slowly, anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic and turn your headlights on earlier in the day to spot children from greater distances.
  6. Popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. so be especially alert for kids during those hours.

Keep Halloween spooky and safe using NFPA’s tips for fire safe decorating and festivities

Many hallmarks of Halloween – lit jack-o-lanterns, candle decorations and billowing costumes – all pose fire safety hazards. As kids and families select costumes and decorate their homes for the season, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) encourages everyone to implement simple safety precautions to ensure that this year’s Halloween remains fun and fire-free.
“Halloween is such an exciting holiday for kids and adults alike,” says Lorraine Carli, NFPA’s vice president of communications. “But without the proper planning and precautions, a seemingly innocent candle decoration or a flowing costume can quickly turn the holiday into a true horror.”According to Carli, candle fires represent a leading cause of U.S. home fires. From 2003-2007, an annual average of 15,260 home structure fires were started by candles, causing 166 fire deaths, 1,289 injuries and $450 million in direct property damage. Overall, candles caused 4% of reported home fires, 6% of the home fire deaths, 10% of the home fire injuries, and 7% of the direct property damage in reported home fires during this period. Halloween is one of the top five days for candle fires.

NFPA statistics also show that, from 2003-2007, decorations were the item first ignited in an estimated annual average of 1,240 reported home structure fires, resulting in 7 civilian deaths, 53 civilian injuries and $20 million in direct property damage each year.

  • When choosing a costume, stay away from billowing or long trailing fabric. If you are making your own costume, choose material that won’t easily ignite if it comes into contact with heat or flame. If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large enough so they can see out.
  • Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
  • Dried flowers, cornstalks and crepe paper are highly flammable. Keep these and other decorations well away from all open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs and heaters.
  • It is safest to use a flashlight or battery-operated candles in a jack-o-lantern. If you use a real candle, use extreme caution. Make sure children are watched at all times when candles are lit. When lighting candles inside jack-o-lanterns, use long fireplace-style matches or a utility lighter. Be sure to place lit pumpkins well away from anything that can burn and far enough out of way trick-or-treaters, doorsteps, walkways and yards.
  • If you choose to use candle decorations, make sure to keep them well attended at all times.
  • Remember to keep exits clear of decorations, so nothing blocks escape routes.
  • Tell children to stay away from open flames. Be sure they know how to stop, drop and roll if their clothing catches fire. (Have them practice stopping immediately, dropping to the ground, covering their face with hands, and rolling over and over to put the flames out.)
  • Use flashlights as alternatives to candles or torch lights when decorating walkways and yards. They are much safer for trick-or-treaters, whose costumes may brush against the lighting.
  • If your children are going to Halloween parties at others’ homes, have them look for ways out of the home and plan how they would get out in an emergency.
  • Children should always go trick-or-treating with a responsible adult.
  • Remind children to stay together as a group and walk from house to house.
  • Review how to cross a street with your child. Look left, right and left again to be sure no cars are approaching before crossing the street.
  • Make a rule that children will not eat any treat until it has been brought home and examined by a grown-up.

About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA is a worldwide leader in providing fire, electrical, building, and life safety to the public since 1896. The mission of the international nonprofit organization is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education.

“We urge everyone to take simple precautions to keep this year’s Halloween celebrations festive and safe,” says Carli. Fortunately, she notes, most fire hazards can be avoided with a few minor adjustments and a little extra planning. Below are NFPA’s tips for keeping your family, home and all trick-or-treaters safe from fire this Halloween:

Fire Department Begins New Smoke Alarm Program

Home fires are the biggest disaster threat facing American families, affecting more people yearly than floods, tornadoes and hurricanes combined. On average, home fires cause approximately 2,500 deaths and nearly $7 billion in property damages every year.  Seven times a day, someone dies in a home fire and every 40 minutes, an injury from a fire is reported. The rate of home fire deaths and injuries has remained relatively constant over the past 20 years. By mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors, the American Red Cross, together with our partner Fulton Fire Department, can attack this stagnation and work to significantly lower the incidence of deaths and injuries from home fires.

The Red Cross has launched the Home Fire Campaign which aims to reduce the number of home fire deaths and injuries by 25 percent by the end of 2019. To reach this goal, the Red Cross is working with community and government partners and stakeholders across the country to install smoke alarms and provide life-saving fire and disaster safety education to at-risk communities. Many lives have already been saved as a result of campaign efforts since the
kickoff in October 2014.

This program will replace out dated smoke alarms (older than 10 years) or install new smoke alarms.  While firefighters are in the home they will help you perform a fire safety inspection, make an escape plan and you will earn about local emergency disaster preparedness.

If you are in need of smoke alarms or just want us to check them call 270-472-1423 today and get on the schedule don’t wait, your life will depend on it.


Captain Jordan Jones and Lieutenant Tina Dropik install smoke alarms for Dorothy Harrison.

Stokes & Gunn Receive Recognition from Kentucky League of Cities


CITY MANGER STOKES RECEIVED – Level II – Excellence in City Governance

FIRE CHIEF GUNN RECEIVED – Level I- Achievement in City Governance

LEXINGTON, KY – Nearly 200 city officials from across the state were recognized for their educational achievement during the City Officials Training Center (COTC) Awards Program at the 2016 KLC Conference & Expo on October 5, 2016. The annual conference drew in nearly 500 city officials and leaders from across the commonwealth.

The City Officials Training Center is a voluntary education program administered by the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC). City officials can complete education levels by attending KLC events and by submitting outside training credit from other municipal training. There are three levels of achievement: Level I – Achievement in City Governance, Level II – Excellence in City Governance and Level III – Masters of City Governance.  To maintain the masters an additional 15 hours of courses must be completed annually.

“The COTC program provides a variety of training that better equips our city leaders across the state to serve their local communities. With this achievement and the amount of training it represents, citizens are the real winners because our communities are reaping the benefits of better informed leaders,”  said J.D. Chaney, KLC deputy executive director. “This is an impressive feat and a testament to the dedication of these city officials.”

This year 104 city officials received the Level I- Achievement in City Governance award. This honor requires the city official to attend 30 hours of approved training with one hour of ethics training.

This year 50 officials received the Level II – Excellence in City Governance award. This honor requires the city official to attend 60 hours of approved training with two hours of ethics training.

Fulton Fire Department Community Smoke Alarm Installation Program

It is extremely Important that you have working and up to date smoke detectors in your home.  If you need free smoke detectors installed in your home call the:

Fulton Fire Department

Monday  thru Friday 8 am to 3 pm at 270-472-1423.

Replacing your smoke alarms

  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old. To determine the age of your smoke alarm, look at the back where you will find the date of manufacture. Smoke alarms should be replaced 10 years from the date of manufacture.
  • Immediately replace any smoke alarm that does not respond properly when tested.
  • Replace combination smoke-carbon monoxide alarms according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Family activity: check your smoke alarms

Smoke alarm calendar tearsheet

Download a calendar tearsheet (PDF, 228 KB), and put it in an important place in your home. Remember to have a grown-up test your smoke alarms once a month. Tear off the correct month when the test is finished.

Installing your smoke alarms correctly – and making sure they are in working order – is an important step to making your home and family safer from fire.

Smoke alarm installation guideNEW! A smoke alarm installation program in your community can make a measurable difference in reducing deaths and injuries from fire. The updated “Planning and Implementing a Successful Smoke Alarm Installation Program” Web version (PDF, 1 MB) Print version (PDF, 5 MB) is a comprehensive guide including everything you’ll need to get started, from tips on how to select volunteers, to pointers on soliciting donations and publicizing your program.

It’s important to have enough smoke alarms in your home. Fire research has demonstrated that with today’s modern furnishings, fires can spread much more rapidly than in the past when more natural materials were used. Because of this, having a sufficient number of properly located smoke alarms is essential to maximize the amount of available escape time. For many years NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, has required as a minimum that smoke alarms be installed inside every sleep room (even for existing homes) in addition to requiring them outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. (Additional smoke alarms are required for larger homes.) Homes built to earlier standards often don’t meet these minimum requirements. Homeowners and enforcement authorities should recognize that detection needs have changed over the years and take proactive steps make sure that every home has a sufficient complement of smoke alarms.

Installing smoke alarms
  • Choose smoke alarms that have the label of a recognized testing laboratory.
  • Install smoke alarms inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement.
  • On levels without bedrooms, install alarms in the living room (or den or family room) or near the stairway to the upper level, or in both locations.
  • Smoke alarms installed in the basement should be installed on the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs leading to the next level.
  • Smoke alarms should be installed at least 10 feet (3 meters) from a cooking appliance to minimize false alarms when cooking.
  • Mount smoke alarms high on walls or ceilings (remember, smoke rises). Wall-mounted alarms should be installed not more than 12 inches away from the ceiling (to the top of the alarm).
  • If you have ceilings that are pitched, install the alarm within 3 feet of the peak but not within the apex of the peak (four inches down from the peak).
    Figure A. Smoke alarm installation
    Figure A. from NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (2013 edition).
  • Don’t install smoke alarms near windows, doors, or ducts where drafts might interfere with their operation.
  • Never paint smoke alarms. Paint, stickers, or other decorations could keep the alarms from working.
  • For the best protection, interconnect all smoke alarms. When one smoke alarm sounds they all sound. Interconnection can be done using hard-wiring or wireless technology.
  • When interconnected smoke alarms are installed, it is important that all of the alarms are from the same manufacturer. If the alarms are not compatible, they may not sound.
  • There are two types of smoke alarms – ionization and photoelectric. An ionization smoke alarm is generally more responsive to flaming fires, and a photoelectric smoke alarm is generally more responsive to smoldering fires. For the best protection, both types of alarms or combination ionization-photoelectric alarms, also known as dual sensor smoke alarms, are recommended.
  • Keep manufacturer’s instructions for reference.
Testing smoke alarms
  • Smoke alarms should be maintained according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button.
  • Make sure everyone in the home understands the sound of the smoke alarm and knows how to respond.
  • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning to keep smoke alarms working well. The instructions are included in the package or can be found on the internet.
  • Smoke alarms with non-replaceable 10-year batteries are designed to remain effective for up to 10 years. If the alarm chirps, warning that the battery is low, replace the entire smoke alarm right away.
  • Smoke alarms with any other type of battery need a new battery at least once a year. If that alarm chirps, warning the battery is low, replace the battery right away.
  • When replacing a battery, follow manufacturer’s list of batteries on the back of the alarm or manufacturer’s instructions. Manufacturer’s instructions are specific to the batteries (brand and model) that must be used. The smoke alarm may not work properly if a different kind of battery is used.

Interconnected smoke alarms increase safety

In a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) survey of households with any fires, including fires in which the fire department was not called, interconnected smoke alarms were more likely to operate and alert occupants to a fire.1 People may know about a fire without hearing a smoke alarm.

  • When smoke alarms (interconnected or not) were on all floors, they sounded in 37% of fires and alerted occupants in 15%.
  • When smoke alarms were not on all floors, they sounded in only 4% of the fires and alerted occupants in only 2%.
  • In homes that had interconnected smoke alarms, the alarms sounded in half (53%) of the fires and alerted people in one-quarter (26%) of the fires.

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You can now sign up to receive news notices and postings to the City of Fulton’s new website.  Simply click on the subscribe to updates located next to contact us or the link below.  Enter in your information and automatically you will start to receive alerts. Alerts could include events, public safety announcements, or local news.  Subscribe for Updates

Police Department Upgrades Watch On Stop Sign Violations

The purpose of a stop sign is to prevent accidents, injury and death, which could occur should a motorist drive through an intersection without taking necessary and legal precautions. When stop signs are present at an intersection, it means that the only safe way of travelling across is by stopping and monitoring traffic on both sides before proceeding, usually because oncoming traffic is obscured by parked cars, structures, trees and the like. When motorists fail to stop and look both ways, they could be hit by another vehicle, or hit someone themselves. The Fulton police Department has received complaints of motorists not stopping at stop signs. The Fulton Police Department will begin to watch and enforce the regulations of the law to prevent the tragedy of an accident, injury and or death. “Please stop at the required stop signs”.

Chief Terry Powell

Fulton Police Department

Fast Facts About Fire

Fast Facts About Fire

 Home fires
  • Half of home fire deaths result from fires reported between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. when most people are asleep. Only one in five home fires were reported during these hours.
  • One quarter of home fire deaths were caused by fires that started in the bedroom. Another quarter resulted from fires in the living room, family room or den.
  • Three out of five home fire deaths happen from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
  • In 2014, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 367,500 home structure fires. These fires caused 2,745 deaths, 11,825 civilian injuries, and $6.8 billion in direct damage.
  • On average, seven people die in U.S. home fires per day.
  • Cooking equipment is the leading cause of home fire injuries, followed by heating equipment.
  • Smoking materials are the leading cause of home fire deaths.
  • Most fatal fires kill one or two people. In 2014, 15 home fires killed five or more people resulting in a total of 88 deaths.
  • During 2009-2013, roughly one of every 335 households had a reported home fire per year.
Smoke alarms
  • Three out of five home fire deaths in 2009-2013 were caused by fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
  • Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in reported home fires in half.
  • In fires considered large enough to activate the smoke alarm, hardwired alarms operated 94% of the time, while battery powered alarms operated 80% of the time.
  • When smoke alarms fail to operate, it is usually because batteries are missing, disconnected, or dead.
  • An ionization smoke alarm is generally more responsive to flaming fires and a photoelectric smoke alarm is generally more responsive to smoldering fires. For the best protection, or where extra time is needed to awaken or assist others, both types of alarms, or combination ionization and photoelectric alarms are recommended.

Fulton Fire Department Commits October to Fire Prevention


Every smoke alarm has an expiration date: What’s yours?

Fulton Fire Department urges all City of Fulton residents to know how old their smoke alarms are, and to replace them every 10 years


October 03, 2016 – Does your home have a smoke alarm? According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the answer is likely yes: NFPA research shows that most American homes have at least one. But do you know how old your smoke alarms are? If you’re like most people, you’re probably not so sure.


A recent survey conducted by NFPA revealed that only a small percentage of people know how old their smoke alarms are, or how often they need to be replaced. That lack of awareness is a concern for The City of Fulton Fire Department and NFPA, along with fire departments throughout the country, because smoke alarms don’t last forever.


“Time and again, I’ve seen the life-saving impact smoke alarms can have in a home fire, but I’ve also seen the tragedy that can result when smoke alarms aren’t working properly,” says Assistant Chief Terry Rudolph of the City of Fulton Fire Department. “That’s why we’re making a concerted effort to educate City of Fulton residents about the overall importance of smoke alarms, and that they do have a life limit.”


NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code®, requires smoke alarms be replaced at least every 10 years, but because the public is generally unaware of this requirement, many homes have smoke alarms past their expiration date, putting people at increased risk.


As the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week for more than 90 years, NFPA is promoting this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years,” to better educate the public about the critical importance of knowing how old their smoke alarms are and replacing them once they’re 10 years old. Fire Prevention Week is October 9-15, 2016.


The City of Fulton Fire Department is joining with American Red Cross this month to conduct training and start receiving more free smoke alarms to install after the training is complete.  We will also be in the schools speaking and handing out fire prevention information and supplies.


To find out how old your smoke alarm is and its expiration date, simply look on the back of the alarm where the date of manufacture is marked. The smoke alarm should be replaced 10 years from that date (not the date of purchase). The City of Fulton Fire Department also says smoke alarms should be tested monthly, and that batteries should be replaced once a year or when they begin to chirp, signaling that they’re running low.


For more information on smoke alarms and this year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Don’t Wait: Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years”, visit www.firepreventionweek.org.